March 18, 2022
Dear ITN Subscriber:
Sadly, due to circumstances beyond our control, International
Travel News has ceased publication.
We had hoped to outlast the effects of COVID on the travel
industry, but it has taken such a toll that it has become
financially impossible for ITN to
continue. The April 2022 issue is our last, and the
more-than-difficult decision to stop publishing was reached
after that issue was sent to the printer — the reason
this farewell was not included within it.
March 1976 was when the first issue of ITN
was printed and mailed, the brain-child of the original
publisher, the late Armond Noble, who noticed something about
travel publications: they were filled with glowing accounts
written by people who had been paid to travel. What was needed
was a place where consumer travelers could share what they
REALLY experienced while traveling, both the good AND the bad.
The concept Armond came up with was a magazine written by its
subscribers, and he was not afraid to print their criticisms
of airlines, tours, cruises, etc. — something unheard of
at that time. The result was decades of exciting travel
accounts, helpful warnings, numerous travel tips, interesting
exchanges and just plain fun. A legacy to be proud of!
ITN's publisher, Helen Noble,
ITN's staff and I thank our
Contributing Editors and all of YOU who have supported this
magazine these 46 years. Whether you subscribed, submitted
travel reports or photos or spread the word about this
publication — the original travelers' forum —
your contributions were what made it possible. We also thank
the many companies who advertised in ITN,
without whom we would not have made it this far.
Should you know of anyone interested in purchasing ITN
to carry on what Armond started, please email Helen at hlnoble1@gmail.com.
Our wonderful adventure is completed, but we hope you will
continue to use the information that was presented in the
magazine, appreciating the spirit with which it was shared, to
enhance your future explorations of the globe.
Thank you, again, from all of us at ITN.
David Tykol, Editor
International Travel News
Sacramento, California
Note: As of April 7, 2022, user accounts on the ITN
website have been disabled. The online forum (Message
Board) also has been shut down. However, an archived and
searchable copy of the website will continue to be available
at the current web address, www.intltravelnews.com
— a library of our subscribers' articles and
letters. The archived site is available at no cost and
will remain accessible through at least 2024.
Word of future plans for the site, if any, will be posted
here. In the meantime, questions (including inquiries from
anyone with interest in carrying on the website) may be
directed to editor@intltravelnews.com.