Re international driver’s license
My daughter, who is a medical missionary in Togo, said she needed an international driver’s license to drive in Ghana for supplies. I was going to get one for her, so I went on the Internet and found all kinds of websites for these licenses. Of course, each wanted my credit card number, etc., in order to process the paperwork.
Be aware that any such website is a complete and total scam. There is no such thing as an international driver’s license. There is, however, an International Driving Permit, which is available through the American Automobile Association (888/937-5523,, and you don’t have to be a member of AAA to get one.
Southport, NC
International Driving Permits are available only from the AAA and from the National Automobile Club (800/622-2136, and cost $15.
Contributing Editor Philip Wagenaar mentioned International Driving Permits in the third part (September ’95) of his 3-part series “Car Rentals and Leases for the Young at Heart.” He wrote, “Make sure to obtain an International Driving Permit (or, for Brazil and Uruguay, an Inter-American Driving Permit) from the AAA before departing on your trip. It provides a translation of your home license (you must carry the latter as well). While not required in a number of Western European countries, it is recommended everywhere else since the police may have trouble deciphering your home license. The International Driving Permit is now mandatory in Italy.”
Another ITN reader pointed out that, in the event of an accident, the IDP can be surrendered to the police while your home-state license will still allow you to continue to drive (Feb. ’04, pg. 83).