Sámi culture + nature
This item appears on page 45 of the April 2011 issue.
In Inari, Finland, the Siida museum combines exhibits on the history and culture of the indigenous Sámi people with Finland’s northernmost nature center. The center offers maps and info on hiking trails, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling and more.
There is a permanent display of photos and artifacts, including findings from the Stone Age and Early Metal Age. In summer, visitors can walk through an open-air museum displaying buildings moved from the community of Tirro that exemplify Sámi life in the 1880s.
Siida (Inarintie 46, FI-99870 Inari; phone +358[0]400 898 212) is open 9-8, June 1-Sept. 19, and 10-5, Sept. 20-May 31. €8 (near $11) adult, child (7-17) €4 and child under seven, free.