Peace Statue in Nagasaki, Japan’s, Peace Park
December 1969 Issue
Peace Statue in Nagasaki, Japan’s, Peace Park
“. . . and let it begin with me.”
Installed in 1955, the subject of October’s photo is the Peace Statue in Nagasaki, Japan’s, Peace Park.
Nagasaki native son Seibo Kitamura created the 32-foot bronze, whose right arm points upward toward the threat of nuclear destruction while the left arm is extended in a gesture of peace. His eyes are closed in prayer for the dead, but his muscular figure symbolizes the strength needed by the living to keep the dream of peace alive.
Fifty-two readers sent in correct answers, and TOM LAHMON of Anaheim, California, won the drawing. We thank Stanley and Thomasine Elefant of San Jose, California, for contributing the photo.