travel insurance articles

During our 3-week stay in Italy in October ’06, the most unusual hotel we stayed in was Country House Montali (Via Montali 23, 06068 Tavernelle di Panicale, ITALY; phone +39 075 8350 680, fax 144 or visit
Hotel Italia (Via Venezia 18-00184, Rome, ITALY; phone 06-4828355, fax 4745550 or visit is in a safe location in Rome where one can return alone at night from the bus or subway easily.
by Jay Brunhouse
When feasible, my husband (age 75) and I prefer to drive about a country. Planning for a trip in May ’07, we discovered that many Irish rental agencies do not rent cars to anyone over 75, while with some the limit is 74 and some, 70.
Tell ITN about the funniest thing that ever happened to you while traveling in a foreign country. There are no restrictions on length.
Many of us prefer traveling with a group, since it is cost effective. This often means, especially during busy travel seasons, being tightly packed in a big bus. In the last six months of 2006 my wife, Marlene, and I took three such tours, which I compare below.