Oceania articles

If your trip is going to cover three weeks or more, here is an option which guarantees no film damage by x-ray machines at airports.
I’d like to alert fellow ITN readers to the upcoming 9th Pacific Islands Festival of the Arts. It’s held every four years by 27 island nations (including Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia) to meet and greet each other and share their traditions and cultures.
Here are some notes on our October-November ’03 trip to New Zealand. We spent 13 days on the North Island and 16 days on the South Island.
My wife, Esta Lee, and I visited New Zealand November-December ’02. As we didn’t expect to make other trips there, we wanted to spend a substantial period of time. We chose World Discovery Tours (P.O.
It was through an ad in ITN years ago that we first found the greatest travel agent ever, Pannir Murugesu.