Keep in mind when on tour

This item appears on page 80 of the January 2008 issue.

Originally from Germany, I became involved in the tourism industry many years ago, working in a tour company as a group tour coordinator, tour manager and sales representative. I now have my own tour company. Since I am still traveling worldwide, I enjoy reading the comments, opinions and recommendations submitted by subscribers to ITN. At times, however, I am a little surprised at the attitudes of American travelers who travel to Europe or other foreign countries.

• I think the first law of traveling abroad is flexibility. For example, it does not matter how well organized and prepared a tour company or tour manager is, the weather and road conditions as well as new-road construction and traffic conditions or accidents are not always predictable.

I take good notes on every trip I take or lead, and upon returning a year or even sometimes only a few months later, there may be new construction causing unforeseen delays and sometimes unhappy travelers. It seems to me that all of Europe is “under construction,” including small villages, so one never knows for sure what to expect, even with an experienced coach driver.

• A separate issue — travelers have mentioned taking food from the breakfast buffet at a hotel restaurant for “the best lunch ever” later on. It is inappropriate and not the custom to do so. It is bad manners and unacceptable behavior.

I always inform my clients in advance that the breakfast buffets or extended breakfasts are to be enjoyed while eating at the restaurant, and it is not proper to stuff bread, cheeses and sausages into a napkin or purse and take it with you for a later “free” lunch on a park bench. Every tour company doing business in Europe should make their group members aware of this.


Rochester, MN