Midway Atoll reopens

This item appears on page 104 of the April 2008 issue.

After six years’ closure, the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, over 1,100 miles WNW of Honolulu, once again is admitting visitors. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is allowing Oceanic Society, a nonprofit marine conservation organization, to offer educational tours during the months November to July.

In 2008 there are several week-long tours for groups of 16 people. $4,890 per person, double, includes the flight from Honolulu, guided natural history expeditions, bird-watching, one lagoon boat trip and unlimited beach snorkeling. Participants also can help on habitat restoration projects.

Contact Oceanic Society (Fort Mason Quarters 35, San Francisco, CA 94123; 800/326-7491, www.oceanic-society.org).

Midway Atoll Visitor Services also may allow up to three cruise ships to visit and open docking facilities to prearranged sailboat visits by individuals. Visit www.fws.gov/midway.