WWI museum near Paris

By Margery Cohen
This item appears on page 17 of the March 2013 issue.

The impetus for our trip to Paris in May-June, 2012, was to visit the new World War One museum, the Musée de la Grande Guerre du Pays de Meaux (rue Lazare Ponticelli, 77100 Meaux, France; phone +33[1] 60 32 14 18). It was built to house one man’s personal collections, from thimbles to ambulances. It opened in November 2011 and is state of the art.

My husband, Herb, and I took the train to Meaux (about 40 kilometers) and a taxi to the museum. There is also a local bus to the museum. Admission of €10 adult or €7 senior (near $13.50/$9.50) includes a wonderful audio guide. There also is a small gift shop.

The museum lived up to all our expectations and more. If you are in Paris, this is a “must see.”

New York, NY