Black Watch Museum

This item appears on page 4 of the October 2013 issue.

At Balhousie Castle in Perth, Scotland, the Black Watch Museum reopened on June 25 following a one-year, £3.5-million renovation and expansion,

One of the most famous regiments in Scotland, the Black Watch was formed in 1715 to calm the troubles in the Highlands, and it has fought in many of the biggest conflicts of the past 300 years, including the American Revolution and both World Wars and, more recently, in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Rotating and permanent exhibitions are drawn from the museum’s collection, which includes works of art, film, sound recordings, documents and historical objects (bagpipes, weapons, uniforms, etc.). Special events and concerts are also held at the museum. Open 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. and 10-4 Sun. £7.50 (near $11.50) adult.