Borde Hill garden
This item appears on page 70 of the May 2014 issue.
In southeastern England, a collection of rare trees and shrubs from exotic locations can be found at Borde Hill (Haywards Heath, West Sussex, England, RH16 1XP, U.K.; phone 01444 450326). In 2014, open daily 10-6, March 22-Nov. 3.
On July 6 at Borde Hill, West Sussex Jaguar will host an exhibition of classic and modern Jaguars. Sundays in August, visitors picnic and listen to live jaz. Expect a haunted house, treasure hunt, crafts and face painting, Oct. 24-Nov. 2. Events are included with admission; £8 (near $13.25) adult, £7.50 senior or £5 child.