Global Entry double-checks

By Charles McCool
This item appears on page 47 of the May 2015 issue.

In the letter “Issues with Global Entry” (Dec. ’14, pg. 51), a traveler enrolled in the Global Entry program wondered why she and her husband rarely were assigned TSA Pre√TM (Pre-check) status for easier security clearance for domestic flights. In answer, another traveler noted that members had to use the correct series of numbers from their Global Entry cards (Feb. ’15, pg. 14).

There’s another common reason many people often don’t receive Pre√ status on US flights. 

Confirm that your name is spelled exactly the same for all airlines. If your Known Travel Number (KTN) lists you as “First Middle Last” and airline XYZ lists you as “First M. Last,” you will not receive Pre√ status from that airline.


Reston, VA