Hluboka Castle (Hluboka nad Vitavou, Czechia)
December 1969 Issue
Hluboka Castle (Hluboka nad Vitavou, Czechia)
Considered one of the most beautiful castles in Czechia, Hluboká Castle was the building pictured in our January mystery photo. The architectural style of the original castle, built in the second half of the 13th century, was Gothic, but the style changed with later reconstructions.
After being expanded during the Renaissance period, the castle was rebuilt in the Baroque style in the early 18th century. During the mid-19th century, using Windsor Castle for inspiration, Count Jan Adam of Schwarzenberg had the castle rebuilt to resemble a Romantic Neo-Gothic château. In 1940, Germany's Gestapo seized the castle, but following World War II the government of Czechoslovakia took control of it. Now open to the public, the castle houses several art exhibits belonging to the Aleš South Bohemian Gallery.
Ten correct answers were submitted naming the location in the picture, and MARCIA RITTER of Kirkwood, Missouri, won the drawing. We thank Donna Pyle of Boulder, Colorado, for submitting the photo.
Correct answers were submitted by:
Maria Cueto, Weehawken, NJ; Signe Haugen, San Carlos, CA; Jane & Clyde Holt, Hinesburg, VT; Karyn Kandell, Kyoto, Japan; Barbara McMahon, Williamsburg, VA; Raymond Prince, Maple Valley, WA; WINNER: Marcia Ritter, Kirkwood, MO; Pam Ross, Louisville, KY; Jill Sullivan, Waynesboro, VA; Jonathan van Bilsen, Port Perry, ON, Canada.