“Splendors of St. Petersberg”
This item appears on page 49 of the April 2015 issue.
“SPLENDORS OF ST. PETERSBURG” — 8 days, 7 nights in St. Petersburg, RUSSIA, Sept. 11-18, 2015 (reserve by April 30). Highlights: Scene of artist Nicolai Fechin’s studies at Imperial Academy of Arts/artists’ workshops/Peter & Paul Fortress/Menshikov Palace/mosaics at Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood/rococo-style Catherine Palace/dinner cruise on Neva River. Land, €5,500 (near $6,235) ppdo plus $500 museum fee. Single supp., €770 ($873). Taos Art Museum at Fechin House (Taos, NM; 575/758-2690, ext 105, www.taosartmuseum.org).