Yvonne Michie Horn has been writing her column on gardens since March 2008, but the first of several feature articles of hers in ITN appeared in 2001. A member of the Society of American Travel Writers, the Travel Journalists Guild and the American Society of Journalists & Authors, she has focused on travel writing since 1985.
Among writing awards she has earned are two Lowell Thomas Awards, both for Best Travel Article on Foreign Travel, the most recent for a 2008 story that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle. Yvonne says she is "on the road about one-third of the time" and prefers to travel independently but on occasion enjoys touring with outfitters that choose adventurous destinations and have unusual itineraries. She told ITN, "I've just always loved gardens!
My parents garden, I garden, and I was instrumental in having a community garden started in Santa Rosa, California, where I live. She continued: "I travel to wander gardens. I'm not so much interested in grand gardens or famous gardens. Rather, I search out gardens that reflect a personal passion, gardens with a historical tale to tell, gardens with a bit of 'whacky' embedded in their beauty, gardens that could exist in no other place than where they are."
Not confined to one "hat," her "subspecialties" include food, wine, adventure, walking, golf. . . Yvonne welcomes you to visit her websites www.yvonnehorn.com and www.thetravelinggardener.com.