Popes’ Palace
Prior to our trip to Europe, my wife, JoAnn, and I did some research on the Internet about Avignon, France, and while we knew it was the site of the Palace of the Popes, little did we realize how interesting the walled city is. We had planned on only one night there but stayed for three.
Be sure to stop at the tourist office and ask for a free Avignon Pass. With it, you pay full price for the first attraction you visit and get up to 50% off at all others. One card is good for up to five people.
The Palace of the Popes is magnificent and is open seven days a week except holidays. We spent over four hours there, including a wine tasting at the gift shop. Behind the Palace of the Popes is the Petit Palace (Little Palace), which features over 300 works of art, among them works by Botticelli, Carpaccio and Giovanni di Paolo.
Ft. Pierce, FL