Adventures Abroad ‘runs great trips’
This item appears on page 28 of the August 2013 issue.
The subscriber who wrote the letter “On Canceled Tours” (June ’13, pg. 26) was disappointed at not being able to take several tours with the company Adventures Abroad.
I have taken 12 trips with Adventures Abroad and, despite having six other scheduled trips canceled by them due to an insufficient number of clients signing up, I would readily recommend them. In each case, I received notice a couple months ahead of departure so that I had plenty of time to make other plans.
Adventures Abroad runs great trips, but they do have a large catalog with many unusual destinations and itineraries, so the interest in particular trips is not always high. It is a Canadian company, and the makeup of each group generally runs about 50-50, Canadian and American tour members. My experience is that they have a very loyal following.
The travel bug bit me when I retired. I’ve visited the following places with Adventures Abroad: Kenya & Tanzania, 2006; Poland, 2006; Ireland, 2007; Copper Canyon, 2008; Iceland & Greenland, 2008; Namibia & Botswana, 2009; Panama, 2010; Tunisia & Malta, 2010; Italian isles & Corsica, 2011; Brazil, 2011; Guyana, Suriname & Trinidad, 2012, and Far East Asia, 2013.
I have two trips scheduled with them for 2014: Paraguay, Uruguay & Bolivia, and Azerbaijan, Armenia & Georgia. I usually have three to five trips scheduled in advance. I travel with a number of companies and I have had a few trips or extensions canceled by some of them.
Buffalo Grove, IL