
Jennifer Petoff, Yardley, PA

Outfitted with a rudimentary knowledge of German and a jam-packed itinerary populated with ideas gleaned from the Internet (e.g., www.europeforvisitors.com), my husband and I embarked on a 9-day trip around southern Germany in September ’04. Our adventures took us from Munich along the Bavarian Alps to the outskirts of Frankfurt via the Romantic Road.

Careful planning

In anticipation of this first visit to the region, we took an...


by Don and Betty Martin, Columbia, CA

We had our faces pressed against the cool window like kids outside a candy store. However, we were enjoying scenic candy as our train climbed through a steep, wooded valley toward the noted Swiss Alps resort of St. Moritz.

Each twist in the tracks brought a new alpine vision: verdant pasturelands glowing greenly in the sunlight; cascading streams milky with glacial silt; villages with slender church steeples standing like architectural...


by Jack Ogg, Photos by Connie Ogg, Houston, TX

My fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Dobbs, told us that Iceland was greener than Greenland and Greenland icier than Iceland. I chuckled over that remembered phrase as my wife, Connie, and I planned our North Atlantic trip. One of our guidebooks included the Faroe Islands, so we incorporated them into our itinerary as well. Why not?

Iceland facts

The size of Ohio, Iceland has a population of only 280,000. With more horses than...


We’ve traveled through various wine regions before, but never have we been so impressed as during our cruise along Portugal’s Douro River in the heart of port wine country. It was late summer 2004, just before the harvest, and the hills ascending from the river were covered with vines in martial array as if they had been laid out by master surveyors.

These views, along with shore excursions to wineries, side trips into towns and villages and a day-long visit to fascinating Salamanca,...


I have never been tempted to write to a magazine before, but the topic Best & Worst Places to Drive immediately drove me to my computer! (Excuse the pun.)

In May ’04 my husband and I rented a car to travel throughout Italy. One of our destinations was Florence.

Driving in Florence, Italy, is the closest my husband and I ever came to divorce. We had very good directions to the train station where, being smart travelers, we were going to park and then walk to our hotel and...


by John Scheleur, Arnold, MD

To mark my 60th birthday with something more than just an attempt to blow out 60 candles, my wife and I set out in September ’04 to walk across northern England, following the 84-mile path of Hadrian’s Wall. ‘Why in the world would a man want to travel over 3,000 miles to do this?’ you are asking. Well, he must have a love of history, a love of England and a love of the outdoors — and, according to my wife, be slightly deranged! It turned out to be a...


by Nili Olay, New York, NY

I believe I was always meant to go to Egypt...

I received my undergraduate degree in ancient Near Eastern Studies (Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, etc.) from the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago. I was married to an Egyptologist who, for a while, worked at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC.

But while he made frequent trips to Egypt, I was barred from entering the country — I had been born in Israel and the two countries were at war. Peace...


I had wanted to do the Silk Road again for some time and finally talked my husband into going. Since I planned on spending 30 days, I added a few places to the beginning of the itinerary that I had not yet visited.

An unexpected start

Things did not go quite as I had expected, however, as on our second day in Shanghai I had to take my husband to the hospital. He had bronchitis. The English-speaking doctor at the Huashan Huanyu Health Care Center checked him out, took blood...