Middle East articles

Most travelers in France are familiar with the châteaux at Chenonceau and Chambord, but the Château de Veauce? Not likely.
FIRST, FAST & FURIOUS ? The following is a sampling of reports received from ITN readers around the globe. ITN invites you to join our corps of reporters ? just drop a card in the mail while the travel impressions are fresh in your mind.
Dear Globetrotter: Welcome to the 359th issue of your monthly overseas travel magazine.
In October-November ’05, Americans arriving on ships were being denied entry into Libya and Libyan waters.
In September ’05, my wife and I began a trip that was supposed to last six and a half weeks and cover Jordan, Egypt and Libya. The arrangements were made by Rita Zawaideh, president of Caravan-Serai Tours (3806 Whitman Ave.
by Ian McGary, Mountain View, CA
After Nancy Stott of Walnutport, Pennsylvania, asked readers to write about their experiences arranging around-the-world itineraries with airline alliances, we received a number of responses and printed several in last month’s issue.