Middle East articles

by Deanna Palic (second of three parts, jump to part 1,
by Julie Skurdenis
FIRST, FAST & FURIOUS ? The following is a sampling of reports received from ITN readers around the globe. ITN invites you to join our corps of reporters ? just drop a card in the mail while the travel impressions are fresh in your mind.
Tango in its various forms became a focal point of our December ’04 journey to Buenos Aires, Argentina. We have always enjoyed watching tango dancers and listening to tango music. We sought out tango lessons and tango salons, tango in the streets and tango in theater performances.
At the suggestion of Ellen Jacobson of Centennial, Colorado, we asked readers, “What makes a good guide and why and what makes a bad guide and why?” We threw in the questions “What are some constructive ways to communicate with a guide or help him or her better their performance, deal with a
Since 1988 I have taken 52 voyages on 34 cargo ships of all types, some for as long as four months. This is in addition to 32 cruise ship voyages.
(Third of three parts, jump to part 1, part 2,